Here at Orsatti dental, we offer Dental Implants & a wide variety of procedures with an emphasis on our clients’ comfortability and treatment. From our welcoming staff to our state-of-the-art equipment, Orsatti Dental has made sure every patient’s experience is one of a kind.
Implant Procedures
How can you replace missing teeth without having to wear removable partials or dentures? One way is by using dental implants. These wonders of modern dentistry are carefully placed where your original tooth used to be. It’s fairly quick to do and rarely uncomfortable. Then, after a short healing period, a beautiful new replacement tooth is attached to the implant. All the things you used to be able to do with your natural teeth can be done again with implants!
Percentage of Americans With Missing Teeth:
With dental tooth implants, a beautiful smile is no longer out of reach. On top of the aesthetic value, dental implants host a variety of other benefits:
Aids In Natural Bone Preservation
Tooth implants are the only procedure that helps preserve natural bone and aids in the growth and stimulation of already existing bones.
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