
PERIODONTAL DISEASE – Orsatti Dental in San Antonio

Sometimes I am amazed at the fact that we have patients who come to see us as they are seeking another opinion because their primary dentist have scared them into expensive treatments for the dreaded “PERIODONTONAL DISEASE”. Really this is just a fancy way of explaining gum disease.

In more than a few cases treatment for this can me be very minimal if caught at an early stage. If not caught at an early stage this is something that can end up doing a lot of damage to your teeth. In some cases requiring extensive treatment.

Depending on it’s stage, this is also something that can go on to effect other areas of your general health and cost you a significant amount of money if not identified early.


Periodontal disease, again also known as gum disease, is caused when bacteria in plaque (a sticky, colorless film that forms in the mouth) builds up between the gums and teeth. When the bacteria begin to grow, the gums surrounding the tooth can become inflamed. If left untreated, this inflammation can cause the gums and supporting bone structure to deteriorate, especially as you get older. This can lead to gum recession or even tooth loss. In addition, research has shown that gum disease may be associated with other diseases, such as diabetes and heart disease.

Luckily, periodontal disease can be preventable. Adding these habits to your daily routine can help.

the most obvious I know, but it has to be said. Brush your teeth. Brushing after meals helps remove food debris and plaque trapped between your teeth and gums. Don’t forget to include your tongue, bacteria loves to hide there. If you are at HEB or local drug store it definitely does not hurt to grab some tongue cleaners.

Floss. Another rather obvious thing to include in your daily routine. I am a fan of the single use flossing wands that are out there and you can generally get a few hundred of them for under $5. Flossing at least once a day helps remove food particles and plaque between teeth and along the gum line that your toothbrush can’t quite reach. We all know this.

But it bares repeating because brushing, flossing and the next item of preventative care is a great routine to get into the habit of doing each day.

Swish with mouthwash. Using a mouthwash can help reduce plaque and can remove remaining food particles that brushing and flossing missed.

Know your risk. Age, smoking, diet and genetics can all increase your risk for periodontal disease. If you want to understand if you are at increased risk, be sure to talk to one of our trusted San Antonio dentists and they will be sure to talk to you about where you are in this regard.

Here at Orsatti Dental we want to be sure we are taking care of your overall dental health, so when yo come in for your first initail visit, or if you are already a member of the Orsatti family we will do an annual comprehensive periodontal evaluation (CPE) from one of our highly skilled dentists .

A CPE looks at your teeth, plaque level, gums, bite, bone structure and other risk factors for periodontal, or gum disease. Identifying symptoms of gum disease early is key to protecting your teeth and gums.



Located in San Antonio, the dental experts at Orsatti Dental have many years of experience in both dental implants, routine dentistry and dental restoration. If you’d like more information about what dental implants can do for you, contact Orsatti Dental in San Antonio today. The smile of your dreams is just a phone call away.

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