
All-on-4 Dental Implants

When is All-on-4 Dental Implants the best option?

Despite improved dental care over the past few decades, edentulism is still common among elderly patients. Complete edentulism, which is often a consequence of caries, poor oral hygiene, and periodontal disease, has a detrimental effect on the patient’s oral and general health and overall sense of well-being. Dentures are the conventional treatment for edentulism. Data suggests that the number of adults in need of dentures in the United States will increase from more than 35 million in 2000 to 37 million by 2020. Clinical studies have also shown that patients supplied with dentures can expect only a marginal increase in quality of life compared to patients who receive implant therapy.

Unfortunately, not every patient can have conventional implant treatment, which requires multiple implants to restore a complete arch of teeth. As life expectancies increase, clinicians are faced with providing reliable, affordable solutions for patients who might not want (or be able to undergo) lengthier implant treatments in which multiple implants, bone augmentation, or soft tissue regeneration are required. All-on-4 Dental Implants provides an alternative solution.


San Antonio Dentist – Orsatti Dental

Located in San Antonio, the dental experts at Orsatti Dental have many years of experience in both dental implants, routine dentistry and dental restoration. If you’d like more information about what dental implants can do for you, contact Orsatti Dental in San Antonio today. The smile of your dreams is just a phone call away.


So to summarize the benefits of All-on-4 Dental Implants:

More cost-effective than full-set implants: fewer implants and only a single procedure

More comfortable and convenient than dentures

Minimally invasive

Fast – the procedure of extracting teeth, placing implants, and placing crowns done in a single visit

Greatly reduces the need for bone grafting

Natural looking

Long lasting (if cared for properly)


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In August of 1986, Dr. Louis Orsatti and his wife Debbie Orsatti  opened up the doors to Orsatti Dental for the first time. With a dream and passion for dentistry, the Orsatti’s set out to help the people of San Antonio by offering affordable dental care while not compromising quality. 30 years later and Orsatti Dental has become a highly distinguished San Antonio dentistry well known for their commitment to their patients. Because of this recognition, people from far and wide find themselves traveling to our office for all their dental needs. The Orsatti’s are constantly pushing the envelope and introducing newly released technologies and techniques that improve the overall quality of their patients’ care. From humble roots and a dream to an established San Antonio Dentist, Dr. Orsatti and Orsatti Dental will be here providing compassionate dental care for generations to come!

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